Discover what our patients have to say regarding their office visit, surgical experience or recovery process. We also encourage our existing patients to share their own experience!
Tarlov Cyst Surgical Patient
- Tarlov Cyst Surgery
“I am nine months out from surgery and feel I have improved at least 85% so far. Before surgery, my life was - medications, pain and inactivity. Now I am pain-free most days. I only take ibuprofin occasionally when I overdue certain activities.
I can't stress enough, how important it is to have a top-notch surgeon like Dr. Feigenbaum performing such a delicate surgery. I have nothing but positive things to say about him and his staff. I will always be greatful!!”
Eva from Germany
- Tarlov Cyst Surgery
“Through the years I had a lot of consultations with different doctors and different therapies. To name but a few: physiotherapies, psychologists, neurologists, neurosurgeons, pain management, steroid injections and even 2 spine surgeries (done in Germany). I had a lot of symptoms. Either the doctors didn`t know what was wrong with my back and could not explain why I was having such a pain and also dysfunctions or they told me that everything looked fine on the MRI. After the 2 surgeries that were made here in Germany my symptoms worsened. At that point I was told that there was nothing on the MRI that explains my medical condition. There were 3 cysts, but these cysts do not cause any symptoms. I was advised to do pain management, because that would be the only thing that could be done for that moment. I had a lot of self doubts, I was insecure, because I was told there wouldn`t be anything that causes my symptoms. It is probably not necessary to tell, how depressed I felt. I didn`t wanted to take pain killers for the rest of my life (I am 22 years old) and I never was out of pain. I always had pain in my legs, back and buttocks. And it persisted, the only relief was to lie down. Of course this affected my whole social life and daily activities extremely. Every day was tiring and I kept staying at home most of the time. My home became my gilded cage because the pain forced me to stay at home. At that point I lost all my hope, confidence and my enjoyment of life.
I decided to do some research on the internet because I wanted to know if these Tarlov cysts could make symptoms. I read a lot of articles with interest. And somehow I got to the www.tarlovcystfoundation.org homepage. On this homepage I got to know a lot more about this disease and also found doctors who are able to treat them with success. This is how I found Dr. Feigenbaum`s address at the Midwest Neurosurgery associates. I decided first to write an e-mail and wanted to make contact with somebody who was able to give me information. Soon I became an answer from Debbie West. And in this first e-mail from her she was able to encourage me and brought back some hope. With her help I sent in the MRI on CD and some medical reports. A few weeks later I had my first phone call with Dr. Feigenbaum. I still can remember that moment as it just had been yesterday. The first time during my disease I felt to be understood. He asked me exact the questions that matched to my symptoms. When he told me I was a surgery candidate I felt nothing but happiness.
To everyone I talked to, at the Midwest Neurosurgery Associates, was very friendly and helpful. Especially Debbie West and Laura Abshire, they are wonderful ladies. Without them I wouldn`t have had the courage to do a surgery in another country. They helped me with every form my insurance requested and even to find a neat hotel. When I had my first appointment at Dr. Fs office I was very excited. This is such a friendly, passionate and highly skilled team, you recognize that in the first minutes, of how they deal with you and it really encouraged me because I found someone who believed me.
Surgery went well and also in the following hours I already felt better than before. In comparison to the surgeries I had before, I felt best and also best taken care of. The nurses were so kind and also made me smile. The whole atmosphere was encouraging. I am now feeling better than before and in my opinion it was worth it! This is also due to the mere fact that Dr. Feigenbaum and his high qualified staff brought back hope to me and gave back my enjoyment of life.
When you`re a Tarlov cyst patient don`t be afraid making contact with Dr. Feigenbaum`s team. You`ll receive the best medical specialist care and also you will be treated manlike. All in all Dr. Feigenbaum gave a lot more to me than just improve my symptoms. He helped me to get a social life again and the ability to look in the future and be fulfilled with delight.
Wishing you a lot of health and courage to defeat your disease.
Love, Eva”
L. S. from Wyoming
- Tarlov Cyst Surgery
“I am a very active female, 48 years old, a registered nurse from Wyoming that works part time in a fast paced surgical center and does parttime ultrasounds for a pregnancy resource center. Riding horses is my passion and I was bucked off a mustang in 2008 and broke my left clavicle. I healed quickly from that, but continued to have some pain in my left shoulder and back area, very achy and chronic. Also have been having urinary issues that no one can find the root cause to~ had vag hysterectomy and cystocele, rectocele repair and gall bladder removed in between these years. In the fall of 2009 I was bucked off again on my back and continued to have neck and back pain. In January 2010 went in for cervical MRI and found that I had a couple of perineural cysts on my spine. After major research on my own, I went in for a nerve block on the biggest symptomatic cyst in T-1 T-2 per Dr Feigenbaum's advice. The block really helped! The radioloigist that did the block wanted to aspirate the cyst, but I knew from previous research that was not a good idea.The cyst would just refill with spinal fluid and grow bigger!
I went in for surgery on November 2, 2010 and Dr Feigenbaum actually found 2 cysts together in T-1 and T-2 and and that they were pressing on nerves, he banded one and fixed the other one and spent a week and a half in Kansas City, Mo. Spent one night in Research Medical Center which was very nice and all the people who cared for me were outstanding. Not knowing anyone in KC and being in the medical profession, I felt like I was in very good hands. I was really scared up until the moment they took me back to surgery knowing that my pain could possibly be worse or better. Knowing that I love my active lifestyle and want to maintain it and live a long healthy life, I opted to take the chance with the surgery.
I did have quite a bit of pain after surgery in my neck and back, but walked around the mall on my 3rd day post op and continued walking every day. My left lower arm on the backside is numb and hopefully that will come back as my nerves heal and growth is slow. A hard thing with my surgery was is that I cannot take narcotics for pain because of nausea and vomiting, so basically I was on Tylenol and Toradol in the hospital and Tylenol and Ibuprofen after discharge. My pain was bearable and livable. My recovery was a little rough, but thankful it was over and the healing was beginning. I experienced severe nerve pain in my neck and upper back the 3rd week post op and required being on some amitryptyline. I went back to work my 4th week post-op and continued walking up to 4 1/2 miles a day. Since then I have been increasing my activity to lifting weights, cycling class at the YMCA, cross country skiing and pickle ball strengthening the muscles around my surgical site. Having little or no pain in that back or neck area at this time to just an occassional twinge of nerve pain in my neck. I am very pleased with the results of this surgery! Thank you for all your good care!”
Rose from Ontario, Canada
- Tarlov Cyst Surgery
A like many others, I will always be forever grateful to Dr. Frank Feigenbaum for his commitment and outstanding medical expertise with the rare disorder of Symptomatic Tarlov Cysts. I like to take this time to recognize and honor Dr. Frank and his team at the Tarlov Cyst Institute, Debbie West, Teresa Lanker and Laura Abshire. You are all exceptional, highly efficient and most of all compassionate individuals that have touch my heart.
I am a 50 year old women from Toronto, Canada whom was subjected to both the physical and emotional pain and suffering throughout the relentless struggle of outsourcing an accurate diagnoses and treatment for my Tarlov Cysts.
In 2006, imaging of my spine reported I had incidental bilateral sacral Tarlov Cyst of no significance. Over the course of four years, I was referred to and/or saw several doctors. Orthopedic Surgeons, Rheumatologists, Hematologists, Pain Specialists, Neurologists, and Neurosurgeons. I had difficulty finding a recognized Specialist in Tarlov Cysts and their treatments with enough expertise to offer me surgery. I had undergone countless CT Scans, MRIâs, Nuclear Bone Scans, X Rays, Blood Work, CT Myelogram and two Blood Patches as a result of complications of my CT Myelogram. I endured massage therapy, physiotherapy and a numerous of different medications to potent narcotics all of which did not relieve my relentless, agonizing pain.
Over the course of these four years, house and bed bound most of the time, all doctors kept telling me my TCâs were not the source of my pain and dysfunctions. Internet options at that time were very limited, yet slightly growing over the years. I had the privilege of corresponding with Reta Honey Hiers, President of the Tarlov Cysts Foundation whom notified me of Dr. Frank and the Tarlov Cyst Institute. Dr. Frankâs unique qualities and expertise make him The Best and therefore I sent him all my background information and radiology images for his review. Dr. Frank personally called me to speak of my Tarlov Cysts and offered me surgery. We spoke for almost 40 minutes and I was convinced that I was in good hands. I trusted Dr. Frank.
Through my perseverance, I applied to the Ontario Health Insurance Plan known as OHIP for a prior approval for an Out of Country Health Services claim to see Dr. Frank and have the surgery he offered me. I was denied twice and had to fight a yearâs battle with the Ontario Government through the Appeal Process. I was very fortunate to have Dr. Feigenbaum and his team help me through this fight. He supported me in my struggle to receive the best possible treatment for my Tarlov Cysts. Dr. Frankâs guidance, kind words, contributed letters for evidence and his personal conference call as a Witness into my 4 day Appeal Hearing was tremendously supportive and strengthened my case.
While in the hospital, shortly after my surgery, I received notification that I had won my Appeal and was granted Health Care Coverage for my surgery with Dr. Frank. Thank you Dr. Frank, I couldnât have done it without you. Together we have set precedence, for I was the first patient from Ontario, Canada who has been granted health coverage for Tarlov Cysts. Together we have paved the way for future TC patients seeking treatment.
On November 4, 2010, I had my surgery with Dr. Frank and throughout my 10 day stay in the hospital I was visited by Dr. Frank, Debbie West and Teresa Lanker on several occasions; I do believe it was every day. My extended stay was not due to any surgery complications but more so to stabilize my personal pain medication reactions. Everyone was always caring to my needs and were forever respectful. I have never had such an extraordinary team take care of me. Thank you for truly making my experience at the Research Medical Centre better than I had ever anticipated and I highly recommend Dr. Feigenbaum and his team to all Tarlov Cyst Patients. Dr. Frank is truly exceptional and unique for the surgery he offers is a scarce commodity. He displays a commitment to excellence for all Tarlov Cyst Patients.
Presently, I am 2 and one half months post op, and with a positive attitude believe Iâm doing just fine. Iâve learned to be more cautious bending, lifting things and of course sitting to long. Iâm finding that the key is to find the BALANCE and know when to stop, not to over do it, or I will pay for it later kind of thing. I believe each day that passes I am getting better and do see and feel a difference. I have lowered my pain medications and will continue to do so as time proves they are no longer needed. Presently, Iâm still at a dose that is quite higher than pre op but thatâs okay, I just had major surgery on my NERVES. It is to be expected sometimes, this is not normal spine surgery.
In closing, I am so very fortunate and will be forever grateful to have had the opportunity to meet Dr. Frank and his team and will not hesitate to revisit him again for surgery on my other Tarlov Cysts throughout my spine if deemed necessary.”
2010 Surgery Patient from New York
- Tarlov Cyst Surgery
“They Believe...Trust Them...Live Again.”
Tarlov Cyst Patient from Georgia
- Tarlov Cyst Surgery
“I KNEW I was in the best hands possible.
I can not begin to express the devastation of my life when I had an untreated Tarlov cyst. From nowhere, I began to suffer excruciating low back pain, with pain and numbness traveling down the back of my right leg and into my right foot. The cyst was noted on an MRI and I was clueless. Being and RN, I did extensive research on this disease I had never heard of. My primary care physician had never heard of the disease either and she had no idea in which direction to send me. After visiting a local neurosurgeon and having a full battery of tests done, I was told there was nothing there to cause my pain!
I gathered all my reports and made a visit to a pain management physician I had previously worked for. He took one look at my MRI, clarified my symptoms, and then immediately confirmed that my symptoms were indicative of a symptomatic Tarlov cyst. On one hand, that was good news as I finally had a solid reason for my pain and it was not all in my head! On the other hand, the pain management physician had no idea where I should go for treatment, but he was quite sure that he was not qualified to treat me.
My internet research kicked into high gear, as I was determined that I could not continue to live my life in my current condition and I had not advocate except myself. I spent most of my days on the sofa, crying. I could not sit for more than 10 minutes, walk more than a few yards, or stand for more than 10 minutes...basically, I had no life! Early in my search, I discovered Dr. Frank Feigenbaum. I called his office and spoke with Debbie West, RNFA. Honestly, I fully expected to get the same "brush off" that I had been getting all along. What a wonderful surprise to have someone on the other end of the phone who was caring, compassionate, and empathetic. She assured me that my pain was very real and that there was hope. Debbie is a shining example of what a good nurse should be!
During my phone consultation with Dr. Feigenbaum he told me he thought he could help me! I wanted to jump through the phone line and hug the man!! He was upfront with me and discussed all the things that could go wrong, and told me could not make any guarantees regarding the outcome. At that point, my quality of life had been in such a downward spiral, I felt that I had no other option than to move ahead with surgery. I had numerous phone conversations with Debbie and learned what a true gem she is. My surgery was set for August 2007. We met with Debbie and Dr. Feigenbaum the day before my surgery. They invited any and all questions from us and gave us the answers that we sought. After meeting both of them, I KNEW I was in the best hands possible.
I am rapidly approaching my two year post op anniversary. I had hoped for a 100% healing, but so far, that has not happened. However, I absolutely consider my surgery a success!! Dr. Feigenbaum and Debbie gave me back my life. I still need to take pain medicine, but the difference between the pre-op pain and the post-op pain was phenomenal!! Pre-op, I was taking large doses of very potent narcotics which brought me no relief whatsoever. Post-op, I am taking a much lower dose of a much less potent drug and I can achieve complete pain control! I have my life back, with a couple minor adjustments, but it is life again!
Should I ever need to have spinal surgery again, I would fly back to Kansas City, no question! I have never met a more caring and compassionate neurosurgeon. I will be forever grateful for the "dynamic duo" of Feigenbaum and West!! God bless you!”
Tarlov Cyst Patient from Maryland
- Tarlov Cyst Surgery
“I contacted Midwest Neurosurgery in October 2009 (spoke with Debbie West, RNFA) as I had two tarlov cysts that were ruining my life. I explained to Debbie how six months prior, I had the fibrin glue injection at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, which had failed. I mailed off a packet of my info to her.
Several weeks later I spoke with Dr. Frank Feigenbaum and after answering a number of questions; I expressed my fear but asked if he could help me. He said yes and I said ok.
I got a call from Laura with my surgery date. Over the course of a few weeks, I called Laura numerous times and she was very good with answering questions and never got impatient.
I met with Dr. Feigenbaum and Debbie the day before surgery. I was really nervous but I wanted the truth and they explained what the procedure entailed. They both showed compassion and I believe they really understood the physical pain that I was going through.
My nervousness the day of surgery was compounded by a 3 hour delay due to complications from the previous surgery. Debbie and Dr. Feigenbaum arrive to say they are now ready for me. I know it had been an already long day and I asked them both if they needed to sleep. They laughed and said no and that we need to get started. Fortunately, I had no fibrin glue residue left in the cyst which cut down on excessive tedious work. I later thanked them both for staying late to help me even though they did not have to.
I stayed in the hospital 4 days...both the night and day nurses DD and Tina were very good and understood how to take care of me. The first night was difficult but fortunately by the third day I was walking around the hallways.
I med Debbie and Dr. Feigenbaum later the following week and they were pleased with my progress. Debbie had given some parting advice on how to live for the next 6 weeks to heal heal properly.
Over time I have emailed Debbie many times with questions and concerns. She always responds with advice or recommendations. I do my best to listen and I appreciate her time as I do know how busy she is. I have had several MRI scans and Dr. Feigenbaum has called to discuss the results and I appreciate that also.
Finally, the best news out of all this is that I have my life back. I am not 100% and may never be. Time will tell. What I can say is that I am 100% better and can do most things but I miss skipping rope.”
Jeannie TX
- Tarlov Cyst Surgery
“After reading the testimonials, I don't know what I can add, but "Thank you, God!" for saving my life. Dr. F and Debbie West have a calling that is bringing fantastic results. My surgery for two large bilateral cysts at my S2 and S3 is 2 1/2 years in history, done in January 2009. The nerve path regrowth pain was the only discomfort post-op and that was for only a few months. For years before that, I'd been to orthopaedists and neurologists, all who said they could find only mildly degenerative issues. Finally, I was practically bedridden, unemployed and trying to qualify under Disability.
It was my second MRI of the lumbar spine that brought the issue to light--at least to me and the radiologist who wrote the report. Recently moved to Texas from Johns Hopkins, he was familiar with the pathology of Tarlov cysts and perineural cysts. The lower part of the lumbar MRI picked up these two cysts--and HE PUT IT IN THE REPORT. I'm told most times radiologists don't even mention it. I called him and asked what these cysts were. That led me to search on the internet and I had almost 100% of the symptoms listed under the Tarlov Cyst Disease Foundation's website. Thank you, Reta Honey-Hiers, for your compassion and consultation.
I'd had the cysts so long that Dr F said the bone had almost been completed eroded. Dealing with the pain and the ancillary effects is hard enough but to get diagnosed with a rare disease is another added challenge. To educate physicians on the facts and available treatment gives us post-op successes a mission!”
Tarlov Cyst Patient from Louisiana
- Tarlov Cyst Surgery
“I found Dr. Feigenbaum through the Tarlov Cyst Association website after I was diagnosed with Tarlov Cyst in September of 2009. I sent him my MRI films and report and was pleasantly surprised when he himself called me back. I have never had a doctor call me himself, let alone take so much time listening to my symptoms and asking questions and generally caring. I was very pleased after talking to him and together we decided that surgery would be the best option for me.
After a long fight with insurance to get the surgery approved since it was out of state and many phone calls with Dr. Feigenbaum's nurse Debbie and his office assistant, Laura my surgery was scheduled for September 21, 2010.
I was frightened terribly at the thought of having surgery in another state by a doctor that I had only spoken to once on the phone! They helped ease my fears by sending packets with information about the hospital and the area. Laura set up housing for me and my family on the hospital campus.
After arriving in Kansas City two days before my surgery I saw Dr. Feigenbaum for my pre-op appointment and was very impressed with his concern over my condition and the time he took to answer my and my family's questions, and by his overall professionalism and in-depth detail of explaining everything that was going to be done to me before, during, and after surgery. Debbie was by his side the whole time and stayed after Dr. Feigenbaum left the room to answer any more questions. I learned very quickly that where you see Dr. Feigenbaum you see Debbie. They are a great team!
The day of my surgery went beautifully! I couldn't have asked for better care from the hospital staff! They were wonderful! My surgery was successful and took just a little over two hours. Debbie came out and explained everything to my family. The rooms were neat, clean, and had very modern equipment in them. The nurses on the Neurosurgery ward were wonderful! They worked with me non-stop that first night. All of the nurses on that floor know Dr. Feigenbaum's protocol for all of his Tarlov Patients and have no problem following it.
After two days in the hospital Dr. Feigenbaum released me to go back to the condo until my post-op appointment with him the following week. He answered all of my post-op questions and was very pleased with my progress. I saw him a week later and was released to fly back home to Louisiana. He and Debbie made sure that all my questions were answered.
I am now four months post-op and doing much better. I have some days that are better than others, but I am able to sit and stand longer than I was before the surgery. My pain has been reduced from a ten to around a four or five. I have flare ups often, but that is to be expected. If I have any questions or concerns all I have to do is pick up the phone and I will have an answer before the end of the day. That is not something that you get where I live with doctor's offices.
If you have been diagnosed with Tarlov Cysts, I highly recommend that you contact Dr. Feigenbaum's office for a consult. He is wonderful! I have no idea where I would be today without his skillfully guided hands that God gave him to help heal people! He is the best of the best!!”
- Sacral Cyst Surgery
“My name is Sherri and I live in Brampton, ON Canada.
In early 2010 I was diagnosed with 3 cervical tarlov cysts and 1 large sacral meningeal cyst that had already caused major sacral bone erosion and nerve compression with associated S2-S5 nerve damage.
When I was diagnosed no one in my Province was able to give me any answers, medical advice or options. Thankfully my research brought me to Dr. Feigenbaum and his amazing, informed and customer service oriented staff.
Within 3 months I'd supplied Dr. Feigenbaum with my MRI images and medical history along with a list of current and quickly developing symptoms. Dr. Feigenbaum called me and took his time explaining to me what he found in my MRI Images, and provided me with detailed information of what could or should be done.
Dr. Feigenbaum advised me that the largest of my cervical cysts measuring 1cm was located in a dangerously close proximity to my left vertebral artery. I was already aware of this, but even though I'd been told by other Surgeons that this specific cyst could not be treated due to the high risk of injury to the artery, a major blood vessel to the brain, Dr. Feigenbaum assured me that he has treated other cysts like mine and felt confident that he could treat this one as well if the need should arise. This answer brought with it an immeasurable sense of relief and he helped to diminish most of my fears associated with this specific cyst. Until Dr. Feigenbaum I'd feared this cyst could even put my life at risk if it did, or was growing. Now I felt confident in knowing I had choices.
Then Dr. Feigenbaum continued on to discuss my sacral meningeal cyst, which according to him was impressively large.
The cyst measured 6 x 1.5 x 7cm upon diagnosis and according to Dr. Feigenbaum had already caused major sacral bone erosion and extensive sacral nerve root compression.
He explained that the symptoms I'd listed matched perfectly with the effects that such a cyst would cause. Then he continued on to inform me that he believed the sacral cyst was more of a present danger if left to grow and he suggested I consider treating the sacral cyst first. He also suggested that we continue to monitor the cervical cyst for growth.
Dr. Feigenbaum explained to me, in detail, all of the risks associated with surgery if I should choose that route. At times I even felt as if he was trying to talk me out of it! Once he'd finished scaring me with the dangerous, surgical possibilities he took the time to ask if I had any questions.
My first question of course, was ok, now we know what could happen if I decided on having surgery, now I wanted to know what could happen if I didn't have surgery? After a brief hesitation he advised me that over time, all of the same things that could happen during surgery could possibly happen if I didn't have surgery and the cyst was left to grow.
I greatly appreciated his honesty and his straight forward, informed approach to all of my questions and decided then and there, yes, I wanted surgery.
In my mind surgery gave me hope. Without surgery I felt I had no hope and all I could look forward too was the inevitable, devastating development of the sacral cyst which would eventually make the pain unbearable and my mobility non-existent. So yes, I immediately chose hope.
The following months included health insurance applications to pay for the surgery, a long drawn out process in Ontario, in which Dr. Feigenbaum and his staff supported me every step of the way with answers, letters, phone calls and repeated MRI monitoring as we waited for payment options to show themselves and make this surgery, and my renewed hope of a better future, a reality.
In July of 2011 Dr. Feigenbaum went to Nicosia, Cyprus for his first round of surgeries with AIMIS Spine. Through a lot of juggling and negotiating, I was able to meet Dr. Feigenbaum and his staff in Cyprus and I will always be thankful to say I was the first of Dr. Feigenbaum's patients to undergo Meningeal Cyst surgery in Cyprus.
During my time in Cyprus, under Dr. Feigenbaum's care, with the assistance of his surgical Nurse Debbie West and the AIMIS Spine patient support team I was treated like royalty and my surgery was much less traumatizing than I could have ever dreamed possible.
I am now almost 4 months post op and I am doing better than anyone, even I could have ever predicted.
Immediately following surgery the sacral pain that had become part of my every day, for much longer that I could remember, was gone! The day following surgery I was surprised at my ability to feel sensations of touch in my right leg, a feeling I'd lost a long time before.
I still Iive with the normal, to be expected limitations of any 3 month post op patient, but I am slowly increasing my walking time and able to move through my days in a world no longer controlled solely by the fear of my limited and painful future. I am no longer restrained by the same, constant pain that had prior to surgery accompanied my every waking moment.
Today I am excited about my dreams for my future and now I not only have hope, I am living everyday within the gifts of hope that Dr. Feigenbaum had given me.
I am more grateful to Dr. Feigenbaum for the gifts he's given me with his commitment, kindness and expertise, than any amount of money or words could ever repay.
Thanks to my own personal and amazing experience I will always confidently recommend Dr. Feigenbaum, to anyone faced with this scary, confusing, and unfortunately for us patients, misunderstood disease.
I honestly believe that Dr. Feigenbaums surgical experience in the face of this rare and devastating disease is a gift and blessing to many who feel blessings are no longer possible in our futures.
There are choices, and thanks to Dr. Feigenbaum and his staff I had an opportunity to choose a future with a lot more hope and a lot less pain.
Hopefully I won't ever have to return for treatment of the other cysts, but if that need should arise I will again come to you with confidence and gratitude.
From my Grandson Khellen, My son Ken and the many others who have loved and supported me through this journey I would like to say once again.....
Thank you Dr. Feigenbaum, Debbie West, Laura, the staff of AIMIS Spine in Cyprus and the many other caring and dedicated staff who have made this dream a reality for me.
You've given me the best gift I could have ever received. An exciting, new chance at a satisfying and pain free future......
I will never forget, and I will forever be grateful.
Brampton, ON
David W.
- Thoracic Cyst Surgery
“It has been nearly a year since my surgery. I can say with confidence that the procedure has restored my life. Following my accident, I lived with pain and spasms everyday, for nearly five years. I was declared to have a permanent total disability , with no hope of recovery.
I continued to seek treatment for my disabling injury for many years. Every MRI performed revealed the presence of a perineural cyst at T5-6. Each report of findings stated that the cyst was incidental or asymptomatic. I experienced severe pain and spasms, thousands per day, every day, as a result of this cyst. I was prescribed a wide range of medications to address the symptoms, and continued to push myself through physical therapy. Despite all efforts to eliminate, or control the pain and spasms, they continued. My last spasm occurred at the Research Medical Center in Kansas City on November 30, 2010 while I was awaiting my surgery.
I am now completely free of all pain, spasms, and medications. I, my family and friends are grateful for the efforts of the medical team of Dr. Frank Feigenbaum and the Tarlov Cyst Disease Foundation.”